#RIMPA Live 2022 Convention in Canberra is taking place on 14-17th June and Compu-Stor is proud to sponsor again this year’s event. Don’t miss out on hearing from great speakers, learn from different lectures and topics, and get to mingle with various people from the industry. Our Specialist Consultant, David Fricker, former Director-General of the National Archives of Australia, will be speaking Thursday 12.20pm on the topic of ‘World Issues – Industry challenges and concerns that impact practitioners globally’.
This convention will shift your thoughts towards a modern and holistic approach to all facets of information management, a way forward by ‘Keeping P.A.C.E’ with the profession. Covering compliance, privacy, data management, records management, digital preservation, education, leadership, workflow and content management; industry experts will gather and join us from all around the world to share their insights with us. Don’t miss THE event of 2022, a chance to reset, reconnect and reignite your relationships with old and new colleagues, industry influencers, field specialists and the RIMPA community.
Come say hi to the Compu-Stor team on booth #15 of this event. From document, media & data storage to digital scanning, business process automation and consulting services, Compu-Stor provides a wide range of solutions using the latest technologies & methodologies to deliver secure & efficient services. Through its Digital Transformation Solutions, Compu-Stor helps maximise the accessibility of information within organisations. With offices across Australia, Compu-Stor works with its customers to provide cost-effective solutions tailored to their needs. We look forward to exchanging with you about your information management needs on our stand!