With 2017 almost gone, we wanted to pause for a moment to look at what Compu-Stor has accomplished as a company, and what the landscape looks like ahead in 2018.
First of all, the Director’s want to say a big thank you to all our staff. Without their hard work, diligence and loyalty throughout the year, none of our achievements would have been possible. Our people are the back bone of the business and as a family owned company we enjoy seeing staff grow with us.
Compu-Stor is constantly looking forward and evolving as a business. In 2017 we launched DTS Digital Transformation Solutions Is our digital division of Compu-Stor. DTS brings our customers and the industry several solutions in the digital space. Technology has changed many industries, Records Management is one of many that the right technology can change the way your business preforms. Over the last 30 years we have seen changes from barcoding to digitisation of records. Our solutions cater for all businesses.
Unlike many of our competitors Compu-Stor owns our Records Management software. CIMS was created with the intent on delivering our customers the most cutting-edge technology. We continue to develop CIMS to ensure we are meeting the growing changes in the industry. One of the newest changes we are proud of is upgrading the CIMS to become an EDMS system.
CIMS-OL delivers customers there documents electronically without having to buy or use another platform. CIMS-OL is a powerful EDRMS. We have seen many customers take up our Scan OnDemand solutions and reduce the paper records coming back onsite. , Also part of our continuous improvement to our Standards with implementation of two new ISO standards, ISO 14001 Environmental, ISO 9001 Quality and AS/NZS 4801 OH&S. These changes will make significant differences to processes and quality standards, both internally and for our Customers .
Compu-Stor will be delivering many technology enhancements to our products and solutions in 2018. We have some large announcements to make and look forward to next year.
Our customers, industry and market are constantly evolving. Looking for new ways to improve processes, streamline production, or create new revenue streams, means our plans need to be scalable, and adjust to the market as needed. Without the ability to evolve, a business might be left behind, and possibly fade in to obscurity.
Compu-Stor is always looking for ways to push our business further, or develop new technology and process that do more than make to be a valuable business tool for our customers. And although the year is winding down and everyone is getting ready to relax, we are getting excited about 2018 and the possibilities it holds.
For the year ahead, at this moment, we are keeping things simple by focusing on the following:
- Digital solutions – how we take customers on the journey with a Partner they can trust
- Continuous improvement – Striving to enhance our customers experience
Like many businesses we use the coming months to plan and create goals for the following year. A lot of our customers use this time to archive off and clean up their office. Should you have any requirements over Christmas we will be open to assist .
We would like to thank all suppliers, staff and most important our customers for the continued support. All the best over the festive season and 2018.