Effective records management is vital for the transparency and accountability of Government. It enables good decisions to be made and facilitates the development and implementation of sound, evidenced based policy by ensuring the best information is delivered to the right person at the right time. It also enables Governments to be held to account for their actions and decisions.
According to Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office advisory, a records management toolkit for Local Government, [1] records contain information that is a valuable resource and an important business asset.
“A systematic approach to the management of records is essential for agencies to protect and preserve records as evidence of business activity, decisions and actions. A records management system, whether paper based or electronic, results in a source of information about business activities that can support subsequent activities and business decisions, as well as ensuring accountability to present and future stakeholders. It also promotes business efficiencies by allowing re-use of existing information – preventing staff from having to ‘reinvent the wheel’.”
Compu-Stor have a proven history of assisting Local Government with increasing transparency, accuracy and compliance of records storage and information management. Our extensive experience in working within the framework of best practice information management for local government, has enabled Compu-Stor to continue to develop our products and services based on Local Government needs and regulations.
On Demand Scanning is one such product. While digitising documents is a cornerstone of good records management, it is also true that not every business document needs to be kept as a digital record.
On Demand Scanning means we only scan a document when you need it and deliver the digital file directly to you with no delay. This cost-effective capture on demand solution can be ideal to have access to documents when you need them, but don’t necessarily need every document digitized.
Local Government Case Study – City of Mandurah
The City of Mandurah were looking to digitise their records for ease of access by staff and to reduce the time and cost it had been incurring locating and copying relevant information.
Following an initial trial period where their archiving was stored offsite with Compu-Stor, the City of Mandurah decided that they would send all their records to storage. All boxes and content have now been added into the Compu-Stor CIMS program of the City of Mandurah to access online.
Due to their outer metropolitan location the costs associated with retrieving records manually was a key factor in their decision. Compu-Stor’s On Demand Scanning allowed for records to be available to staff instantly online, removing the hurdle of distance.
At Compu-Stor, we know the rigorous requirements of managing the sensitive documents. As WALGA’s Preferred Supplier for Records Management services, we can help you with high-volume or on-going digitisation projects, all while complying with the legal requirements of the State Records Act 2000 (WA).
Compu-Stor is also an Approved Public Record Office Storage Supplier (APROSS).
Compu-Stor has a wide range of solutions for various industries. To find out more, please feel free to contact us on 1300 559 778, or fill out our online enquiry for here. We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.