The rapidly evolving technology space presents unique and complex challenges for records mangers and the organisation of digital records. To address the rise of digital content, our increasing reliance on it and how it changes the way we manage our records, Compu-Stor has recently created a new Head of Digital role.
Stephen Wellington has joined Compu-Stor as Head of Digital. Stephen brings to Compu-Stor decades of experience in digital and the records management field driving operational efficiencies through digital technology and designing large scale transformation projects that deliver real organisational change.
In today’s digital world, businesses are increasingly turning to technological solutions to help maximise the accessibility of information within their organisation. While IT was the first sector to encounter digital disruption, an explosion of new technologies is now driving the emergence of new business models.
The digital disruption trend is so advanced, there are now real risks facing businesses that are not taking this shift into account in their forward planning. Now is the time to consider the role of digital technologies. No industry sector is immune to disruption. There is an opportunity for every organisation to consider what needs to be done to ensure their business model can withstand the advent of newer, leaner and more digitally enabled companies.
The experience and knowledge tabled by Stephen will bring a new era of excellence to Compu-Stor, extending our commitment to delivering above and beyond the expectations of our clients.