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Document Storage Retrieval

There is no doubt about the importance of properly storing vital business information and documents, but one of the keys to storage is the easy retrieval of information in a time critical manner. In fact, research and surveys have shown that thirty percent of the workday is spent searching for files. That’s one and a half days a week or 78 workdays every year spent looking for paper around the office!

If boxes have been stored with no system in mind, and little to no cataloguing or indexing, locating the right document can be a frustrating and time-consuming exercise, and waste valuable staff resources.

One of the concerns of offsite document storage is the retrieval of documents when they are needed in a time critical manner. Compu-Stor have the room to store your records and the systems to make sure that you can identify and locate your documents quickly and easily.

All Compu-Stor customers have access to our easy to use, unique online records management system, CIMS. CIMS allows customers ultimate control of all records from any device – PC, tablet or smartphone, without the need for additional resources, software or infrastructure.

Customers can view and edit storage details, create work orders, generate reports and view individual accounts and charges all at the click of a mouse or the swipe of a finger.